You can stream with both the iOS and Android apps.
iOS app
The procedures for camera streaming are as follows for the iOS app:
1. Tap the “+" icon at the bottom of the screen
2. Tap “Start Live”
3. Enter the stream information and then tap “Start Live”
* For “What are you streaming?” select “Stream via camera”
4. To stop your broadcast, tap the "X" icon in the upper left corner of the screen. You'll be asked, "End Live?". Tap "Yes" to stop streaming.
Android app
The procedures for camera streaming are as follows for the Android app:
1. Tap the “+" icon at the bottom of the screen
2. Tap “Start Live”
3. Enter the stream information and then tap “Start Live”
* For “What are you streaming?” select “Stream via camera”
4. Read through the warning messages and then agree by tapping "OK".
* Once the stream starts, everything visible on your screen will be broadcasted.
5. To stop your broadcast, tap the "←" icon in the upper left corner of the screen. You'll be asked, "End Live?". Tap "Yes" to stop streaming.